Fresh and Locally Grown


Seroja ST. 4421 Denpasar, Bali


Alamanda Rose

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The Home Garden where Flowers Bloom

Growing flowers with passion to bring happiness to your home!

About Me

Welcome to Flores Bloom’s garden! My name is Mari Flores and I am so excited to bring you flowers made freshly from my own home! I love to grow a variety of flowers, vegetables, and fruit and be able to share my passion for cultivating to all of you.

¡Bienvenidos al jardín de Flores Bloom! ¡Mi nombre es Mari Flores y estoy muy emocionada de traerles flores, que eh crecido en mi propio jardín de casa! Me encanta cultivar una variedad de flores, verduras y frutas y poder compartir mi pasión por cultivar con todos ustedes.

What Do Local Flowers Mean?

I grow my flowers straight from the comfort of my own home. I begin the seeds and tubers inside my house towards the beginning of the winter season, helping them thrive with small grow lights. I nurture the plants with as much love as I can give, and finally bring them outside to Mother Nature when the climate begins to warm!

Flowers That I Focus On Are…


Flores Bloom

We are currently offering Dahlia Tubers for those that reside in the USA. They will be available to ship towards the end of March depending on your area.

Flower bouquets for birthday or any special occasion are available from April-September with at least a 24-hour notice beforehand.

Dahlia Tubers

Bring vibrant color and breathtaking blooms to your garden with our premium Dahlia tubers! Grown with care, our tubers are harvested from healthy, high-performing plants to ensure you get stunning flowers that thrive in your garden.

¡Aporta colores vibrantes y flores impresionantes a tu jardín con nuestros tubérculos de dalia de primera calidad! Nuestros tubérculos se cultivan con cuidado y se cosechan de plantas sanas y de alto rendimiento para garantizar que obtengas flores impresionantes que prosperen en tu jardín.

My Journey

My journey began from the love for natures beauty and a desire to share my views with others. What started as a simple hobby developed into something more meaningful, and has allowed me to become a small business owner with a passion to create flowers that blossom in blooms to be able to share with you all.

Dahlia Tubers

CSA Subscriptions


Flower Arrangements

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